Table of Provisions
Division 1--Introductory
- 1 Purpose
- 2 Commencement
- 3 Definitions
- 4 Interpretation provisions
- 5 Application of this Act to injuries
- 6 Claims for compensation
- 7 Matters affecting entitlement to compensation
- 8 Act binds the Crown
- 9 Access to information
Division 2--Principles and Guides
- 10 Objectives of Act
- 11 Statement of rights and obligations of workers
- 12 Statement of rights and obligations of employers
- 13 Flow charts
- 14 Effect of this Division
Division 1--Injuries
- 15 Flow chart 1—notice of injury
- 16 Notice to be displayed at workplaces
- 17 Register of injuries
- 18 Notice of injury
- 19 Flow chart 2—making a claim
- 20 Claim for compensation
- 21 Acknowledgement or notice of claim
- 22 When claim deemed not to have been made
- 23 Guidelines for sections 20, 21 and 22
- 24 Prohibition on recovery of certain costs
- 25 Medical certificate
- 26 Worker who does not have a medical certificate
- 27 Medical examinations
- 28 Return to work obligations of employers and workers
Division 2--Claims for compensation that may be lodged with Authority
- 29 Lodging of claims with Authority in certain circumstances
- 30 Authority may require further information
- 31 Claims against certain employers
- 32 Record of employers referred to in section 31
- 33 Application of Parts 2, 3 and 5
- 34 Recovery by Authority of amount in relation to claim or contribution
- 35 When application may be made to a court
- 36 Employer ceasing to exist
- 37 Entitlement to compensation only if employment connected with Victoria
- 38 Application to sailors
- 39 Entitlement to compensation
- 40 When no entitlement to compensation
- 41 Pre-existing injury or disease
- 42 Circumstances in which weekly payments are reduced because of conviction for drink-driving offence
- 43 Circumstances in which weekly payments are reduced because of conviction for drug-driving offence
- 44 No entitlement to compensation where conviction for certain serious road traffic offences
- 45 If conviction or finding of guilt overturned
- 46 Out of or in the course of employment
- 47 Compensation for workers injured outside Australia
- 48 Person not to be compensated twice
- 49 Entitlement to damages outside Victoria
- 50 Compensation for disease due to employment
- 51 Proclaimed diseases
Division 4--Assessment of impairment
- 52 Definitions
- 53 Application of this Division to Division 5 of Part 5 and Part 7
- 54 Assessment of impairment
- 55 When and how to make an assessment of impairment
- 56 Injury, impairment or symptoms consequential or secondary to physical injury
3--Industrial deafness
- 57 Compensation for industrial deafness
- 58 Excluded deafness
- 59 Industrial deafness deemed to occur at constant rate
- 60 Assessment of industrial deafness
- 61 Further diminution of hearing
- 62 Effect of determination for industrial deafness
- 63 Assessing degree of impairment of whole person
4--Assessment of psychiatric, asthma and infectious disease
- 64 Psychiatric impairment
- 65 Occupational asthma impairment
- 66 Infectious occupational diseases
- 67 Guidelines referred to in this Subdivision
5--Assessment of spinal impairment
- 68 Spinal impairment
Division 1--Preliminary
Division 2--Liability and indemnity
- 70 Liability of Authority and employer
- 71 Authority to indemnify employer
- 72 Employer's excess
Division 3--Claims management--General
- 73 Responsibilities of employer
- 74 Guidelines
- 75 Responsibilities of self-insurers and the Authority
- 76 Notice to include statement of right of review
Division 4--Claims Management--Employer objection
- 77 Flow chart 3—employer objection process
- 78 Employer may request reasons for decision on a claim
- 79 Objection by employer in respect of liability
- 80 Objection lodged out of time
- 81 Authority may refuse to review a decision to which a claimed employer has objected
- 82 Withdrawal of lodged objection
- 83 Request for information and suspension of review
- 84 Decision following review
- 85 Appeals
- 86 Grounds of appeal
- 87 Hearing of appeal by Supreme Court
- 88 Costs of worker
- 89 Position of worker following decision under section 84
- 90 Recovery of payments
Division 5--Liability for payment of compensation
- 91 Application of Division
- 92 Liability to pay compensation in respect of an injury arising out of or in the course of any employment on or after 1 July 2014
- 93 Provisions to apply where employer does not meet liabilities
- 94 Provisions relating to payment of compensation
- 95 Interim payment—weekly payments
Division 1--Preliminary
- 96 Definitions
- 97 Purpose
- 98 Application of Part
- 99 Obligations of employers and workers
- 100 Section 28 and this Part do not derogate from other provisions
- 101 Part not to apply in certain circumstances
Division 2--Obligations of employers
- 102 Flow chart 4—return to work obligation of employers
- 103 Provide employment
- 104 Plan return to work
- 105 Consult about the return to work of a worker
- 106 Return to work co-ordinator to be appointed
- 107 Make return to work information available
- 108 Employer to notify Authority of return to work of worker
- 109 Host to co-operate with labour hire employer
Division 3--Obligations of workers
- 110 Flow chart 5—return to work obligation of workers
- 111 Participate in planning for return to work
- 112 Use occupational rehabilitation services
- 113 Participate in assessments
- 114 Return to work
- 115 Participate in an interview
Division 4--Termination of compensation
- 116 Failure to comply with Division 3
- 117 Notification of return to work
Division 5--General provisions
- 118 Resolution of return to work issues
- 119 Information about the employment obligation period
- 120 Authority may give direction
- 121 Compliance code
- 122 Disallowance of certain compliance code orders
- 123 Effect of compliance codes
- 124 Effect of compliance with compliance codes
- 125 Functions of Authority in respect of compliance codes
Division 6--Return to Work Inspectorate
- 126 Appointment of inspectors
- 127 Identity cards
Division 7--Functions and powers of inspectors
- 128 Interpretation
- 129 Inspectors subject to Authority's directions
- 130 Power to enter
- 131 Announcement on entry
- 132 Report to be given about entry
- 133 General powers on entry
- 134 Powers in relation to obtaining information
- 135 Return of seized things
- 136 Power to issue Return to Work improvement notice
- 137 Directions or conditions in a Return to Work improvement notice
- 138 Variation or cancellation of Return to Work improvement notice
- 139 Issue of Return to Work improvement notice
- 140 Formal irregularity or defect in Return to Work improvement notice
- 141 Proceedings for offence not affected by Return to Work improvement notice
- 142 Persons must assist inspector
- 143 Other assistance in exercising powers
- 144 Inspector may take affidavits and statutory declarations
- 145 Inspector may copy documents
Division 8--Offences
- 146 Offences in relation to inspections
- 147 Protection of inspectors
- 148 Offence to impersonate inspector
Division 9--Review of decisions
Division 1--Preliminary
Division 2--Weekly payments
- 160 Compensation in weekly payments [
- 161 Weekly payments in first entitlement period
- 162 Weekly payments in second entitlement period
- 163 Weekly payments after the second entitlement period
- 164 Compensation for incapacity arising from surgery after second entitlement period
- 165 Continuation of weekly payments after second entitlement period
- 166 Entitlement under section 165 not affected by certain circumstances
- 167 Certificates of capacity for work
2--Superannuation contributions
- 168 Compensation in the form of superannuation contributions
3--Compensation after retirement
- 169 Injury after retirement
- 170 Compensation for incapacity arising after retirement age
- 171 Compensation after retirement
Subdivision 4--Effect of
certain pensions on weekly payments
- 172 Effect of disability or other pensions and lump sums on weekly payments
- 173 Notification of entitlement to certain payments
5--Provisions relating to the payment of compensation
- 174 Regard not to be had to certain contracts etc.
- 175 Absence from Australia
- 176 Further provisions concerning compensation
- 177 Sentences of imprisonment
- 178 Time for payment
- 179 Payment of weekly payments
Division 3--Alteration or termination of weekly payments and superannuation contributions
- 180 Application of Division
- 181 Application by worker to alter amount of weekly payments
- 182 Authority or self-insurer may terminate or alter weekly payments
- 183 Grounds for alteration or termination of weekly payments
- 184 Grounds for alteration or termination of superannuation contributions
- 185 Where worker's weekly payments are reduced
- 186 Termination or alteration of weekly payments under certain provisions
- 187 When termination of compensation in the form of superannuation contributions has effect
- 188 Notices
- 189 When a required period of notice must be given
- 190 Reduction of weekly payments after the first entitlement period
- 191 Termination of weekly payments after expiry of second entitlement period
- 192 Notice of reduction of weekly payments
- 193 Outstanding weekly payments
- 194 Outstanding superannuation contributions
- 195 Flow chart 6—impairment benefits process
- 196 Definitions
- 197 Claims for compensation under Division 5
- 198 Division 5 claim cannot be made unless all proceedings under section 328(2)(b) have been determined
- 199 Initiation of claim by Authority or self-insurer
- 200 Authority may suspend a claim
- 201 Authority or self-insurer to accept or reject claim
- 202 No proceedings by worker in relation to rejection of liability without certificate of Conciliation Officer
- 203 Assessment of impairment
- 204 Written statement of injuries
- 205 Worker to advise Authority or self-insurer of worker's acceptance or dispute of decision as to liability under section 201(1)
- 206 Variation by court or by agreement of decision under section 201(1)(a)
- 207 Reference of dispute under section 205(3)(a) or 206(3)(a) to Medical Panel
- 208 No appeal from certain determinations and opinions
- 209 Minister may give directions
Division 5--Compensation for non-economic loss
- 210 Definitions
- 211 Compensation for non-economic loss—permanent impairment
- 212 Compensation for non-economic loss—permanent psychiatric impairment
- 213 Compensation for non-economic loss—industrial deafness in respect of further injury
- 214 Compensation for non-economic loss-—loss of foetus
- 215 Injuries by gradual process other than industrial deafness
- 216 Effect of payment of compensation under this Division
- 217 Limits on compensation
- 218 Compensation not payable after death of worker
- 219 Compensation not to exceed relevant maximum
- 220 Payment of compensation as lump sum
- 221 No Disadvantage—Compensation Table
Division 6--Rehabilitation services prior to acceptance of claim
- 222 Authority or self-insurer may pay for rehabilitation service
Division 7--Compensation for medical and like services
- 223 Definitions
- 224 Liability of Authority and self-insurer
- 225 Where services provided by employer
- 226 To whom compensation under this Division is to be paid
- 227 Certain actions etc. not permitted
- 228 Medical and like services outside Australia
- 229 Compensation not payable for certain accommodation etc.
- 230 Occupational rehabilitation services
- 231 Modification of cars and homes
- 232 Duration of compensation under this Division
- 233 Termination of payment for professional services obtained fraudulently
Division 8--Compensation for death of worker
- 234 Definitions
- 235 How compensation for death of worker determined
- 236 Dependants
- 237 Dependent children and partners and partially dependent partner
- 238 Certain compensation payable to trustee
- 239 Interest payable [
- 240 Reimbursement of expenses incurred by non-dependent family members of a deceased worker
- 241 Weekly pensions for dependants of worker who dies
- 242 Payment of weekly pensions
- 243 Provisional payments
Division 9--Voluntary settlements
1--Settlements in specific circumstances
- 244 To whom this Subdivision applies
- 245 Right to apply for settlement
- 246 Amount of settlement
Subdivision 2--Other
- 247 Application of this Subdivision
- 248 Right to apply for settlement
- 249 Amount of settlement
- 250 Order in Council concerning settlements
3--Application procedure
- 251 Expression of interest must first be given
- 252 Authority or self-insurer must respond to expression of interest
- 253 Application for settlement
- 254 Time limit for making applications
- 255 Authority or self-insurer must respond to application
- 256 Time limit on response to offer
- 257 Payment and nature of settlement amounts
- 258 Adjustment of settlement amount offers
- 259 Worker may withdraw application at any time
- 260 Circumstances in which offer may be withdrawn or settlement avoided
- 261 Preclusion of further claims
- 262 Authority or self-insurer may extend or waive time limits
- 263 Minister may give directions
Division 1--Jurisdiction
- 264 Jurisdiction—general
- 265 Jurisdiction under Workers Compensation Act 1958
- 266 Jurisdiction of Magistrates' Court
- 267 Application of this Act to the Magistrates' Court
- 268 Certain evidence given in a conciliation inadmissible in certain proceedings
- 269 Evidence relating to worker's claim
- 270 Protection of information given to Medical Panel
- 271 Admissibility of certificates of Medical Panel
- 272 Certain persons not compelled to give evidence
- 273 Certain proceedings referred for conciliation
- 274 Medical questions
- 275 Court may state a question regarding factual issues before referring a medical question to a Medical Panel
- 276 Court to give copies of documents to parties
- 277 Copies of Medical Panel's opinion
- 278 Costs
- 279 Costs liability of legal practitioner
- 280 Flow chart 7—dispute resolution process if a worker disagrees with a decision
- 281 Definitions
- 282 Lodging of disputes
- 283 Power of Senior Conciliation Officer to allow lodging of dispute
- 284 Conciliation officer may seek opinion of a Medical Panel on medical question
- 285 Referral of medical question relating to section 165 of this Act or section 93CD of the Accident Compensation Act 1985
- 286 Production and disclosure of information
- 287 Representation by legal practitioner
- 288 Information from provider of medical service or other service
- 289 Costs of reports by registered health practitioners
- 290 Conciliation without conference
- 291 Power to request or release documents etc.
- 292 Offence to make false or misleading statement
- 293 Duty of Conciliation Officers
- 294 Powers of Conciliation Officers
- 295 Offence not to comply with direction
- 296 Outcome certificates to be issued
- 297 Conciliation Officer may give directions about payment of compensation
- 298 Genuine disputes about liability for compensation referred to in section 297(1) and (2)
- 299 Revocation of directions of Conciliation Officer
- 300 Payments under direction etc. not admission of liability
- 301 Costs
Division 3--Medical Panels
- 302 Function of Medical Panel
- 303 Procedures and powers
- 304 Reference of medical question
- 305 Convenor to convene Medical Panel
- 306 When opinion on medical question may not be given
- 307 What a Medical Panel may ask a worker to do
- 308 Examination by Medical Panel
- 309 If worker unreasonably refuses to comply with request under section 307
- 310 Attendance before Medical Panel to be in private
- 311 Medical Panel can ask provider of medical service to attend
- 312 Medical Panel may request further information
- 313 Opinions
Division 4--Determination by courts and recognition of determinations
Division 1--Choice of Law
- 318 Claims to which this Division applies
- 319 The applicable substantive law for work injury damages claims
- 320 What constitutes injury and employment and who is employer
- 321 Claim in respect of death included
- 322 Meaning of substantive law
- 323 Availability of action in another State not relevant
Division 2--Actions for damages
- 324 Flow chart 8—common law process
- 325 Definitions
- 326 Actions for damages
- 327 Actions for damages—serious injury
- 328 Proceedings under this Division
- 329 Medical examination
- 330 Authority or self-insurer to respond to application
- 331 Response by applicant
- 332 Certain material not admissible in proceedings
- 333 Conference before proceedings commence
- 334 Statutory offer and counter offer
- 335 Proceedings for damages for serious injury
- 336 Finding on an application does not give rise to issue estoppel
- 337 Authority may consent to bringing of proceedings
- 338 No further application allowed
- 339 Worker not entitled to recover damages for same injury despite review of degree of impairment
- 340 Proceedings—limitations on awards
- 341 Jury not to be informed of certain matters
- 342 Limitation on damages in respect of pecuniary loss
- 343 Judgments, order for damage, settlement or compromise to be reduced by certain amounts of compensation paid
- 344 Costs
- 345 Present value of future loss to be qualified
- 346 Limitation on award of interest on an amount of damages
- 347 When Authority, employer and self-insurer cease to be liable to pay weekly payments
- 348 Determination of serious injury application after death of worker
- 349 Calculation of limitation of actions period within which proceedings may be commenced
- 350 Division not to affect date of accrual of cause of action
- 351 Effect of decision on application
- 352 Directions
- 353 Legal practitioner may recover costs
- 354 Legal costs order
- 355 Litigated claims legal costs order—workers
- 356 Litigated claims legal costs order—Authority and self-insurers
Division 3--Actions by terminally ill workers or workers with asbestos-related conditions
- 357 Actions by terminally ill workers or workers with asbestos related conditions
- 358 Actions by terminally ill workers continued after death of worker
- 359 Certain funds to be administered by trustee
Division 5--Conduct of common law proceedings
- 360 Definitions
- 361 Application of Division
- 362 Apportionment of liability
- 363 Notice of proceedings
- 364 Conduct of defence
- 365 Order for apportionment of liability
Division 6--Other actions and rights
- 366 Damages under Part III of Wrongs Act 1958
- 367 Liability of Transport Accident Commission
- 368 Settlement between Transport Accident Commission and the Authority
- 369 Indemnity by third party
- 370 Substantive law
- 371 Compensation for pain and suffering
Division 1--General
- 372 Definitions
- 373 Student workers
- 374 Municipal Association of Victoria as self-insurer
Division 2--Application for approval as self-insurer
- 375 Determination of eligibility to apply for approval as self-insurer
- 376 Application for approval as self-insurer
- 377 Estimated relevant remuneration
- 378 Adjustment of application fee
Division 3--Approval as self-insurer
- 379 Approval as self-insurer
- 380 Terms and conditions of approval
- 381 Notice to be given to employer if application refused
- 382 Period that approval has effect
- 383 Approval of new holding company as self-insurer
- 384 Review of approval
- 385 Revocation of approval
- 386 Cost associated with revocation recoverable from employer
- 387 Non-WorkCover employer ceases to be a self-insurer
Division 4--Contributions to WorkCover Authority Fund
- 388 Payment of contribution
- 389 Submission of return by self-insurer
Division 5--Review of contributions by self-insurers
- 390 Review of contributions
Division 6--Liability for claims for compensation
Subdivision 1--Liability
of self-insurer
- 391 Self-insurer's liability to pay compensation
- 392 Claims management
- 393 Liabilities of self-insurer to be guaranteed
- 394 Payments by Authority
Subdivision 2--Election
by self-insurer to assume liability for tail claims
- 395 Movement from scheme insurance to self-insurance
- 396 When a self-insurer becomes an eligible subsidiary of a holding company
- 397 When an employer that is a body corporate becomes an eligible subsidiary of a self-insurer
- 398 When a self-insurer becomes an eligible subsidiary of another self-insurer
- 399 Guarantee of liability for tail claims
- 400 Requirement for guarantee
- 401 Arrangements for payments in respect of liability for tail claims
- 402 Where an eligible subsidiary ceases to be an eligible subsidiary of a self-insurer
Subdivision 3--Employer
that ceases to be self-insurer or otherwise to be liable for tail
- 403 Employer ceases to be self-insurer
- 404 General provisions applying to assessment by an actuary
- 405 Initial assessment of liability for tail claims
- 406 Annual assessment of tail claims liabilities and adjustment of payments
- 407 Provision of guarantees
- 408 Review of final revised assessment at the end of the liability period
- 409 Eligible subsidiary of self-insurer becomes a non-WorkCover employer
Division 7--Miscellaneous
- 410 Guidelines
- 411 Effect of guidelines
- 412 Secrecy provisions
- 413 Definitions
- 414 Authority retains or assumes liability for tail claims
- 415 Actuary to assess tail claims liabilities
- 416 Obligation of non-WorkCover employer
- 417 Annual assessment of tail claims liabilities
- 418 Adjustment of payments as at the end of the third year
- 419 Adjustment of payments as at the end of the sixth year
- 420 Payments of tail claims
- 421 Provision of guarantees
- 422 Provision of new guarantee
- 423 Recovery under guarantees
- 424 Review of final revised assessment at the end of the liability period
- 425 Liability of Authority under this Part
- 426 Legal proceedings excluded
- 427 Application of Part if non-WorkCover employer ceases to be a non-WorkCover employer
- 428 Failure to comply with a provision of this Part
Division 1--Preliminary
- 429 Application
- 430 Liability to pay premium
- 431 Groups
- 432 Joint and several liability of group members
- 433 Flow chart 9—registration of employer
- 434 Registration of employers
- 435 Statutory contract of insurance
- 436 Registered employer to notify change of circumstances
- 437 Evidence that employer is registered under this Part
- 438 Books and accounts to be preserved
- 439 Employer to give estimate of rateable remuneration
- 440 Authority may estimate rateable remuneration of employer
- 441 Certified statement of rateable remuneration
- 442 Employer to give certified statement
- 443 Revised estimates of rateable remuneration
- 444 Where employer fails to provide accurate information about rateable remuneration
- 445 Worker employed under Transport Accident Commission program
- 446 Superannuation benefits and calculation of premiums
- 447 Flow chart 10—Determination of premium process
- 448 Premiums order
- 449 Authority may give notice of premium
- 450 Premium payable where employer not registered for whole of premium period
- 451 Adjustment of premium in certain circumstances
- 452 Default penalty
- 453 Payment and recovery of penalties
- 454 Late payment penalty
- 455 Default penalty where failure to provide full and true disclosure
- 456 Application for refund of premium
- 457 Premium avoidance schemes
- 458 Proceedings not to be brought
Division 5--Premium review
- 459 Flow chart 11—premium review process
- 460 Definitions
- 461 Employer may apply for review of a reviewable amount under this Division
- 462 Time for making, and form of, application for review
- 463 Application for review made out of time
- 464 Authority may decline application for review
- 465 Withdrawal of application for review
- 466 Time period for review
- 467 Request for information and suspension of review
- 468 Determination of review
- 469 Payments following review of reviewable amount
- 470 Interest payable following review of reviewable amount
- 471 Deemed determinations of the Authority
Division 6--provides a right of review or appeal within 60 days after a deemed determination has effect.
- 472 Review of premium by Authority at its discretion
- 473 Adjustment of premium after review
- 474 Application of adjustment powers under section 473
- 475 Recovery of increased premium
- 476 Refund of premium may be offset
- 477 Exercise of review and adjustment powers
Division 6--Review by VCAT and appeal to Supreme Court
- 478 Right of review and appeal
- 479 Request for further and better particulars
- 480 Payment of fee or filing fee before review or appeal
- 481 Authority to lodge material
- 482 Grounds of review
- 483 Onus on review or appeal
- 484 Review by VCAT
- 485 Supreme Court appeals
- 486 Authority to give effect to decision on review
- 487 If no appeal from a decision or order
- 488 Recovery of premium or penalty
- 489 Evidence
Division 8--Reviews by Minister
- 490 Review of setting of premiums
Division 1--Constitution
- 491 The Authority
- 492 Objectives of the Authority
- 493 Functions of the Authority
- 494 Powers of the Authority
- 495 Accountability of the Authority
- 496 Guidelines, forms and advisory practice notes
- 497 Power to give advice on compliance
- 498 Chief Executive Officer
- 499 Officers and employees
- 500 Delegation
- 501 Authorised agents
- 502 Establishment of Board
- 503 Constitution of Board
- 504 Execution of documents
- 505 Judicial notice of signatures
- 506 Directors generally
- 507 Acting Directors
- 508 Vacancy, resignation and termination
- 509 Chairperson
- 510 Meetings of the Board
- 511 Pecuniary interests of Directors
Division 3--WorkCover Advisory Committee
- 512 WorkCover Advisory Committee
Division 4--Financial matters
- 513 WorkCover Authority Fund
- 514 Borrowing powers
- 515 Repayment of capital
- 516 Dividends
- 517 Budget
- 518 Operating and financial report
Division 1--Accident Compensation Conciliation Service
- 519 Conciliation Service
- 520 Constitution of the Conciliation Service
- 521 Function
- 522 Powers
- 523 Appointment of Senior Conciliation Officer and Conciliation Officers
- 524 Acting Senior Conciliation Officer
- 525 Engagement of Conciliation Officers and staff
- 526 Protection against liability for Conciliation Officers
- 527 Functions of the Senior Conciliation Officer
- 528 Minister may make guidelines
- 529 Senior Conciliation Officer may give directions
- 530 Data to be collected by the Senior Conciliation Officer
- 531 Vacancy and resignation
- 532 Senior Conciliation Officer may advise removal or suspension from office
- 533 Removal from office by Governor in Council
- 534 Conciliation Service budget
- 535 Authority to fund the Service
- 536 Signature
Division 2--Medical Panels
- 537 Establishment and constitution
- 538 Term, resignation and termination
- 539 Advisory functions
- 540 Validity of acts or decisions
- 541 Protection for Convenor and members of a Medical Panel
Division 1--Indexation
- 542 Indexation—weekly payments
- 543 Indexation of weekly pensions for dependants of a worker who dies
- 544 Indexation of certain amounts—according to average weekly earnings
- 545 Indexation of certain amounts—consumer price index
- 546 Indexation—no reduction
- 547 Indexation—rounding
Division 2--Agreements
- 548 Reciprocal agreements—compensation
- 549 Reciprocal agreements—premiums or other amounts
- 550 Reciprocal agreements—relevant services
- 551 Incentive agreements to improve employer performance
Division 3--Access to information
- 552 Power to obtain information and evidence
- 553 Powers of inspection
- 554 Offences
- 555 Access to police records
- 556 Court to provide certificate of conviction
- 557 VicRoads may disclose information to Authority
Division 4--Issue of search warrants
- 558 Issue of search warrants
Division 5--Prohibited conduct relating to touting for claims
- 559 Definitions
- 560 Prohibited conduct by agents
- 561 Offence of engaging in prohibited conduct
- 562 Consequences of prohibited conduct for recovery of fees by agents
- 563 Consequences of prohibited conduct for legal practitioners
- 564 Legal practitioner and agents can be requested to certify as to prohibited conduct
- 565 Power to restrict or ban recovery of costs by agents who engage in prohibited conduct
- 566 Power to restrict or ban agents who engage in prohibited conduct
- 567 Duty of claimants to comply with requests for information about agents and legal practitioners
Division 6--Regulation of providers of professional services
- 568 Suspension of payments for services
- 569 Effect of disqualifying offence
- 570 Conduct of service providers
- 571 Findings of relevant bodies
- 572 Notice to be given before determination made
- 573 Authority may publish list of providers subject to disciplinary action
- 574 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Division 7--Discriminatory conduct
- 575 Offence to engage in discriminatory conduct
- 576 Order for damages or reinstatement
- 577 Procedure if prosecution is not brought under section 575
- 578 Civil proceedings relating to discriminatory conduct
- 579 Effect of orders on other orders under section 575, 576 or 578
- 580 Claims under section 576 or 578
Division 8--Offences
Subdivision 1--Fraud,
bribery and false information
- 581 Fraud
- 582 Bribery
- 583 False or misleading information
- 584 False or misleading statements
- 585 False information
- 586 Investigations
- 587 Indemnity
Subdivision 2--Other
- 588 Unauthorised use of information
- 589 Obstructing officers
Division 9--Miscellaneous
- 590 Certificate
- 591 State taxation officer
- 592 Signature
- 593 Service of documents by the Authority
- 594 Service of documents on the Authority
- 595 Secrecy provisions
- 596 Liability of premium adviser
- 597 Protection against self-incrimination
- 598 Legal professional privilege and client legal privilege not affected
- 599 Refunding money to the Authority etc.
- 600 Imputing conduct of bodies corporate
- 601 Criminal liability of officers of bodies corporate—failure to exercise due diligence
- 602 Responsible agency for the Crown
- 603 Proceedings against successors to public bodies
- 604 Undertakings
- 605 Adverse publicity orders
Division 10--Prosecutions
- 606 Institution of prosecutions under Part 4
- 607 Return to work—procedure if prosecution is not brought
- 608 Institution of prosecutions
- 609 Directions given by the Minister
- 610 Directions given for the purposes of Part 4
- 611 Guidelines made by the Minister
- 612 Guidelines made by the Authority
Division 12--The Authority and the IBAC
- 613 Mandatory notification of corrupt conduct to IBAC
- 614 Consultation prior to notification
- 615 Communication of information to the IBAC
- 616 Authority not to prejudice investigations of the IBAC
Division 13--Section 85 provisions
- 617 Supreme Court—limitation of jurisdiction—conferral of exclusive jurisdiction
- 618 Supreme Court—limitation of jurisdiction—no proceedings
- 619 Proceedings
Division 14--Regulations
Division 15--Savings, Repeal and Transitionals
Division 1--Accident Compensation Act 1985
- 624 Amendment of Part I
- 625 Section 5 substituted—Definitions
- 626 Amendment of sections 5, 5A, 5AB, 5AE, 8(5) and 68
- 627 Repeal of sections 5C, 5D and 5E, Division 3 of Part I and Parts II and III
- 628 Part IV
- 629 Amendment of section 92B
- 630 Further amendment of Part IV
- 631 Sections 100 to 100C substituted
- 632 Dollar amounts as at 1 July 2013—benefits
- 633 Dollar amounts as at 1 July 2013—payment, contributions etc.
- 634 Amendment of sections 101, 102 and 103
- 635 Amendment of sections 104B to 118
- 636 New section 123B substituted
- 637 Amendment of sections 124, 125 and 125A
- 638 Further amendment of Part IV
- 639 Parts V, VIA, VIIA and VIIB
- 640 Part VIII
- 641 Part IX, section 313 substituted
- 642 Part IX, new section 352A inserted
- 643 Part IX, new section 368A inserted
- 644 Savings and Transitional
- 645 Repeal of spent provisions
- 646 Schedules
- 647 Amendment of section 87 of Accident Compensation (WorkCover Insurance) Act 1993
Division 3--Amendment of other Acts
Division 4--Repeal of Part 14 and Schedule 9
- 650 Repeal of Part 14 and Schedule 9