• Specific Year

HEALTH PRACTITIONER REGULATION NATIONAL LAW (NSW) - SECT 320 Membership of continued National Boards


Membership of continued National Boards

320 Membership of continued National Boards

(1) This section applies if--
(a) a person holds office as a member of a National Board immediately before the commencement; and
(b) the Board is continued in force after the commencement (the
"continued Board" ) by a regulation made under section 31.
(2) The person continues to hold office as a member of the continued Board after the commencement--
(a) on the terms and conditions that applied to the person's appointment before commencement; and
(b) until the office of the member becomes vacant under this Law.
(3) Also, a person who is Chairperson of a National Board immediately before the commencement continues to hold office as Chairperson of the continued Board after the commencement.
(4) Subsection (5) applies if the process for appointing a person as a member of a National Board is started but not completed before the commencement.
(5) The process may continue after the commencement and the person may be appointed as a member of the continued Board.